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The United Kingdom

January 16, 2013

I’m going to talk about which country I would like to go the most currently.  Last year, I had a crush on a stunning voice; it is so unique and comfortable.  She is Adele, and she is from the U.K.  I was interested in the British accent, because in Taiwan we learn American English not British English.  Therefore when I first heard British English, it was not easy to understand but it was interesting, and I think it’s very special.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom or Britain, is an independent state located off the north western coast of European continent.  Britain had the largest empire in history.  In 1922, the British Empire consisted of almost a quarter of the world’s land.  Its influence can still be seen in the language.

London has been described as a world cultural capital because it has 43 universities, five world heritage sites, a variety of people and cultures, and more than 300 languages are spoken there.  The more I get to know about London, the more I want to visit this city.  I have a plan, I can take a short journey in London which will include learning, culture and sightseeing.

Guards Marching away from Buckingham Palace.

Guards Marching away from Buckingham Palace.

The first place that I want to visit is Buckingham Palace.  The magnificent colossus of Buckingham Palace, popularly known as “Buck House”, has served as the monarch’s permanent London residence only since the accession of Victoria. Bought by George 3rd in 1762, the building was overhauled by John Nash, architect, in the late 1820s, and again by Aston Webb in time for George V’s coronation in 1913, producing a palace that’s about as beautiful as it’s possible to be.  The reason I want to visit here is because I like the style of this building, I really want to see it in person.

We can easily see that London is a fascinating city, and there are still many cities in Britain that attract tourists’ attention.  Britain is a country that combines the old and the modern, culture and entertainment. I want to experience the charms of this country in person.  I believe it will be an impressive and unforgettable trip in my life. If you have ever visited Britain, I’m looking forward to your comments below


From → Craig

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